Thursday, July 18, 2013

My studio space...

I thought that I would share where all the creativity happens. My darling husband Scott built it for me. Actually, it was more the fact that I was adamant that I needed to have a space that was just mine for all my arts and crafts and I wouldn't have to worry about cleaning up every time I was in the middle of a project. But, he obliged. He did an awesome job. Thanks, Honey.

I love it! It is only an 8 x 11 foot room, but no space is wasted and it has lots of shelving and lots of drawers. Each drawer is actually organized, there is only one junk drawer that I need to clean out. Unfortunately, it is in the basement, but it has heat and in the summer it is nice and cool and I don't even need an air conditioner. Someday, I will have a bigger studio space so that I could give classes. Fun! Can't wait..... 

Friday, July 12, 2013

My first Post!

Hello to whom ever is reading this post. I have been following blogs for a couple of years now and was always so inspired and jealous. I just kept talking about writing a blog but did nothing about it. What was I waiting for? Well here I am. Man, way more technical than I thought. I have no idea how to get my banner picture set up or how to get pictures on the site. I want to share pictures of things I have made and my Etsy site, but have not idea how. I guess I will just keep plugging along. If anybody has any suggestions I would appreciate them.
Thanks for stopping by, I 'll be back.